
One of the first element to be considered is space. For artist who work on a two-dimensional surface such as a canvas, space is represented on the surface itself; it is the vehicle in which the shapes and forms exist.

Space is an element which is experienced or sensed by the viewer, rather than seen. In this image by Henri Matisse, the blue color seems to flow between the compositional forms, suggesting a sensation of space. The blue shape has no variations of color or value, yet we feel that the space recedes into the distance. We sense that the blue space continues infinitely; not only into the background but continues beyond the edges of the format itself.

Such on a two-dimensional surface is called pictorial space and can be perceived as having occupied and occupied areas. Occupied area or inhabited by the image’s shapes can be referred to as positive space, while unoccupied area can be referred to as negative space.

In the Matisse image, we perceive that the figure and yellow shapes are the positive space, while the blue shape is the negative space.
Positive space: The area occupied or inhabited by the image’s shapes
Negative space: The empty area between the shapes. Often, the background of an image is considered to be negative space. The picture area or areas within the picture area. The element